Welcome to my Addiction!

This is a haven for nail junkies, like myself, and was created to display my works.
I am a Nail Professional based out of Toronto, Canada with a thriving passion for the arts, nails, and culture. I offer nail enhancement services, create custom colours and designs and provide an intimate salon experience in your home or in mine. I am also available for group nail parties, weddings, and photo shoots or appointments after regular hours.
For appointment scheduling and additional info, please contact me via Email: miss-vee@live.com
Thank you and Enjoy!
Yours Truly,

Friday, April 30, 2010

Stripers are a nails best friend!

I slacked off this month and didn't photograph many of my clients, but here are a couple of shots to end the month in colourful style......:D

Day and Night

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Nails fit for a Queen! (or maybe even a practice hand, haha!)

My first attempt. This is something I've been wanting to try for a while.