Welcome to my Addiction!

This is a haven for nail junkies, like myself, and was created to display my works.
I am a Nail Professional based out of Toronto, Canada with a thriving passion for the arts, nails, and culture. I offer nail enhancement services, create custom colours and designs and provide an intimate salon experience in your home or in mine. I am also available for group nail parties, weddings, and photo shoots or appointments after regular hours.
For appointment scheduling and additional info, please contact me via Email: miss-vee@live.com
Thank you and Enjoy!
Yours Truly,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Implement Safety at Home

The cleanliness of personal grooming implements may often go overlooked, however, the importance of proper sanitation is just as necessary in the home as it is in the salon. Even though you may think it's just your bacteria, it's still bacteria, and it may not just be yours alone. You can just as easily catch an infection from your own implements as you could from those at an unsanitary salon.

Although most people don't use an autoclave or hospital grade disinfectants in the home, as all reputable salons do and should, you can still take precautions to minimize the risk of cross contamination. Firstly, it is always a good idea to wash your hands or feet before clipping or grooming your nails.

Wash clippers, pushers, nippers, etc, with antibacterial soap after each use and clean off any organic matter left behind. Once you have washed and dried your implements, place them in a glass or dish of rubbing alcohol for a minimum of 5 minutes. Although this process will sanitize your tools, it will NOT sterilize or disinfect. This process will simply reduce the risk of infection.

You can easily incorporate these cleaning habits into your routine and do your part to minimize the risk of infection from viruses and bacteria. Think of it this way: You wouldn't re-use a dirty knife and fork would you? So the next time you use your grooming tools, try practicing better sanitation and safety habits. You recognize the importance of sanitizing your hands, why not sanitize the tools that keep them in shape?


  1. great point! I NEVER wash my nail clippers. omg didn't even think about it. i can guarantee I'll be doing that from now on though. ewwww im grossed out by myself!

  2. I know, ha ha! Most people don't know and before I was educated on the subject, I didn't either. Don't be grossed out, now you know :)
